Marzek räumt bei FINAT-Label-Award 2020 ab
von Gernot Rath
Zusätzlich erhielt Marzek für die Projekte: Gletscherbaroness Rosé / Hotel Klausnerhof, Erber Premium / Tiroler Edelbrände / Agentur Inpublic, Die Schwert-Führerinnen / Agentur Mooslechner und Migsich Burgenland Agentur Alessandri 4 x „Highly-Recommended“ Urkunden verliehen.
Laudatio der Finat Jury:
FINAT Winner Wines: Marzek Etiketten+Packaging GmbH, Austria for Karl Karigl & the Wonderful Wine Gypsies
A truly golden label imaged using gold hot foiling. The quality of detail in this one colour label is truly outstanding. Fine detail in the type is complemented by the detailed structuring in the fingers. The use of a slightly roughened paper substrate adds to the final appearance of the label. Overall a very nice result making the best use of the hot foiling process.
FINAT Winner Sets of Labels: Marzek Etiketten+Packaging GmbH, Austria for Abteikeller Klosterneuburt Weine
The detail in these two labels is outstanding. Printed digitally in four colours the degree of registration is exceptional. The use of a frosted varnish in the background gives the labels an added edge as does the use of transparent high gloss screen embossing.